Wednesday, 19 February 2014

what is hacking actually about....

Where to start with hacking
There are three types of hackers:
White Hats:
The White Hat hacker has dedicated himself to
fight malware and help others with their
computer problems. He is a person you can
trust, and he will most likely end up in a good
paying job as a computer programmer or a
security consultant. He will most certainly not
end up in jail. ha ha ha like me in future
Grey Hats:
The Grey Hat hacker are in between white Hats
and Black Hats. He will most likely commit
pranks at people that he thinks is harmless,
but it can also be illegal. He can at one time
be helpful and help you with a computer
problem, but at the same time infect you with
his own virus. There is a chance that the grey
hat will end up in prison.
Black Hats:
The Black hat hacker also known as a cracker
is the one who deface websites, steal private
information and such illegal activity. It is very
time consuming to become a black hat. It can
be very hard for them to get a job because of
the illegal activity. If law enforcements gets
you, you can expect jail time.
So where to start?
You should know the answer to these
questions before you start your hacking career.
Which type of hacker do you want to be (white
hat, grey hat or black hat)?
I consider White , i don't know about u
Which type of hacking do you want to work
with (website hacking, system exploits,
pentesting etc.)?What is your end-goal?
You should meet these requirements to
become a successful hacker.
1.You shall be patient.
2.You shall dedicate a lot of time to hacking.
You will never stop learning, since hacking is a
3.You should have a computer (I expect you to
have one since you are reading this).
4.You shall be interested in how the different
computer systems works, and how to control
Now that you have an idea of what kind of
hacker, you want to be we will look closer into
the different topics you can work with as a
Website Hacking:
You properly already guessed it, but website
hacking is about hacking websites. You use
your skills to find exploits and vulnerabilities in
websites and web applications. Almost all
major hacking stories in the news are about
websites and databases that have been
hacked. Once you have enough experience in
website security you will be amazed about how
easy it is to find vulnerabilities in websites.
However, it will take a lot of effort and time to
reach that level of skills. You will need to know
a large amount of server-side languages and
website construction languages like PHP,
HTML, JavaScript, SQL, ASP, ASP.NET and
Perl. This was just some of the languages you
should know about. I will recommend you to
take JavaScript, SQL and PHP very serious
since it is in those languages you will find the
most vulnerabilities.
Pen testing and Forensics: ( my Dream Job )
Pen testing and forensics can earn you big
money. It is these guys the company’s call
when they have been hacked. They are experts
in operating systems, wireless connections and
exploiting computers. This way will take A LOT
of time and effort since there is so much you
should know about. You shall know about how
the different operating systems works, which
exploit there is to them, how to exploit them,
routers, encryption, malware etc. the list is
almost endless.
Code exploiting:
Not many people know about this. This will
require you to be a complete expert at
programming. You shall be at least as good at
these programming languages as your main
language like English This kind of hacking is
taking a lot of time, and will require you to be
patient. Do not get me wrong, every company
that releases software like Symantec, Google,
Microsoft, Adobe, and Oracle have hackers with
these skills employed to check their software
for vulnerabilities. Sadly, they cannot find every
security hole and therefore some very smart
black hat hackers are able to find them, and
exploit them before the companies get the
vulnerability patched. You should know the
most popular languages like C++, Java and C
Computer security:
The work these people do looks a lot like the
pentesters. These people is able to detect and
analyze new viruses and malware. They are
working for companies like Symantec,
KasperSky and Avira etc. Some of them are
also working on labs that tests AV’s and new
viruses. They are experts in how viruses works
and how they infect systems.
Try yourself until succeed

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